Free Learning Tools For Your Kiddos
- Kanika Milton #FrobabiesMomma
Stuck in the house with nothing to do? We've got you covered! The beautiful component about this whole virus hysteria is that you get to spend awesome quality time with your children. In the midst of all of this, however, it's also important that these babies continue to get their learn on. Check out this link with a ton of great FREE resources for your child to utilize. My personal ...

- Kanika Alston
If you thought last year's NFL 100 Super Bowl commercial was cool, wait until you get a load of what they cooked up for Super Bowl LIV.

Frobabies Momma Takes 40! A Creative Soul Expericence To Remember!
- Kanika Milton #FrobabiesMomma
On May 8th, 2019, I made my 40th trip around The Sun ! I'm still unclear where and how the time whizzed by, but I'm happy to be here for another birthday. I'm in a space cushioned in multiple layers of gratefulness, satisfaction, excitement, wisdom, contentment and a whole lotta other stuff.

Who are you calling Geriatric ?
- Kanika Milton #FrobabiesMomma
I learned a new word today, while doing a post about Halle Berry, and it made me side eye and chuckle simultaneoulsy...... the word * insert drum roll* is GERIATRIC PREGNANCY. Yes! It's a "thing". Who knew? I saw the hashtag on XONecole's page and had to do an entire Google search on it.